
Wednesday, February 21, 2018


We got a (sort of) big storm.  Granted, it's been so warm that nothing stuck until it had been snowing for well over two (possibly double that) hours.  And took at least another hour or two before it stuck to the roads. but we got plenty on the grass and cars.  Then it cleared up after snowing for two days so the temperature is closer to 30.  Not more than 4 inches I think, but plenty in the mountains.
Winter Olympics are cool, just wish they wouldn't build up certain people so much and then get so upset when those people don't do as well as they built them up to.  Examples: Nathan Chan and the Shibutani Siblings.  The siblings got bronze, which is awesome for their first olympics, and Nathan got 5th(and made a very impressive jump from 17th to get there from the short to the long program) in his.  But because neither got gold "its disappointing".   We watched Cool Runnings, which in my mind is a true show of what it means to compete.  Winning the medal is secondary, just making it there and giving it your best should be first.
Got a nasty cold last week(my sister got it first, then both my parents-theirs lasted over a week-then two of my brothers) that the sore throat is lingering.  Worried that my room's dry and aggravating it, so I need to sleep with a humidifier and see if that helps.  For right now I can talk but not for long and certainly not very loudly.  Made yesterday's sub job tricky, had to really focus on student names and wander the room more.  Otherwise it was fun.
My sister took her car into the shop as she's tired of not being able to get her car working right in a timely manner and wanted to make sure this time.  She suspects they did a lot more than they said they did(brakes and shifting are much better, and they were 'only' fixing a bad part of the steering system)and charged her for.  But at least her car's more reliable now.
Working on appealing to repeat DT in the fall, and my mentor thinks I have a strong chance of getting it.  But I have to hurry and get it in to be safe.

Friday, February 9, 2018

2018 Winter Olympics!

They're here!  Sad part is I have to work tonight during the Opening Ceremonies.  But my mom says she'll record them for both my sister(who has to work too) and I to see after.  So I'll see them later.
My mom and I were watching some of the competitor's pre-videos about what got them there and how people look up to them.  Reminds me of my coworkers, who have spent a great deal of time this week telling me how much they enjoy working with me(especially the newest, who says they are glad they always work with me) and the soon to be new night manager told me they want me there because I can advise them on what to have coworkers do before leaving.  Given the current one asked me for similar stuff it's not too surprising.  They keep mentioning how well I know the job and so on.  I have to remind them that I've been there for 3.5 years.  So it shows, I guess.
Kind of made up for getting kicked out of DT after barely four weeks with no warning.  Granted, I'm still working through that for more info an such.  Returned the keys and parking pass today.  Been looking at transferring or changing majors, but both would still cost me another semester at least. Sigh...
Nice day out, as has been most of this week.  Too bad I still want one more big snow before spring 'officially' hits...

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Week 5?

So this week started out kind of weird and now my student teaching's been put on hold.  They won't tell me why and it's my university's policy that I not contact the school during this for my protection.  Not sure how that protects me, but it's what they told me.  And I thought I was finally getting a handle on this...
Then I went to the bank to ask about a charge on my debit card that I don't remember anything about(as in, I didn't go buy anything on that day-when the charge was made-, I've never been to the store it came from, and I don't have a receipt for it) and so now they're doing a fraud report about it. Sigh....
At least work is still the same, and I can sleep in for now.  Plus I have time to finish those two research classes that I was supposed to before starting student teaching...
Still having car issues, as my sister got hers working for less than a week and now it's not again.  Really makes me want my truck back, just wish it didn't cost so much...though my dad's suggesting I go to a salvage yard to see if I can get a good engine to replace the one not working.  Still probably take me a lot longer to get the old one out and the new on in than the professionals...