
Monday, July 1, 2013


in the summer is not fun.  Granted I spent most of that Saturday entertaining my two year old niece ay a nearby park.  But she wanted to play on the one playground that was always in the sun rather than the one that spent a lot of time in the shade.  We had fun until I got a little overheated-gave myself a headache for the rest of the day. Argh.
And I missed taking a rather important test for my online class, and may fail it as a result.  Have to talk to the teacher first. I really hope not...
But my sister had to leave her rented house due to a difficulty with the landlord (I'm not going into details about it) so we spent friday and saturday  dealing with that.  Friday was reorganizing my parents house so they (my sister, her husband and daughter, and my oldest brother) could move in until they found a better place.  Saturday was loading up three trucks with trailers-including mine- with the shells off and keeping the little one out of the way.  Hence my walking her over to a park.  Just wish it hadn't been so hot that day...
Yesterday also had the same issue, only unloading this time.  But I don't know if that will count with my teacher.

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