A teacher not only enabled me to get a passing score in their class (aka a d instead of an f) but to get as high as a C. I just have to do 2 assignments by monday. One needs an interview-which I have already emailed someone about-and the other involves a bit of research. But I have two days, so I should be okay in getting them done.
We got rain wednsday evening and thursday morning, and again thursday evening. My supervisor had scheduled the soccer field for painting yesterday, only to have the soccer team steal the time for pracitce. something about needing to practice before the other team-visitors-did. So they had to come in to work at 9 instead. Thankfully the other supervisor in charge of the sports turf strung up the field so all they had to do was paint. They were done by 11:30, and I got there in time to help clean up the machine and empty buckets. We spent the rest of the day finishing trimming the bushes we've been working on all week. that plus cleaning up the branches took the rest of the day-though we did have just enough time to put out garbage cans in the stadium for a scrimmage saturday. Part of the problem was a large accumulation of nightshade (yes, they excist and they are poisonous-hence why we were getting them out of there) vines that were growing on and through the fence. Got very windy as we picked those up.
We'd worked on them wednsday too, but still took time to get the rest. My supervisor said they let it go too long between trimming-over a year we think-so they had to run the trimmer over the smae area 2-3 times to get the tops level with the fence. And the branches liked to fall into the bushes, so I had to fish them back out.
I was following my mom's blog, but now it says I'm not. Have to fix that...
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