I'm sleeping plenty yet I still feel tired. Getting old, since it's been three day of this.
Made it to class early with my snacks-it was my turn to bring them-and I think they were rather popular. Especially the crackers, cheese, and meat tray I found at the store. There was some left but I felt good about bringing it after a classmate thanked me for my choices.
I got a notification on the receipt about getting 50 cents off gas at that store, but when I tried to use it it was gone. Good thing was I still had 10 cents off, but I'm getting annoyed by people using the points I earned up for that before I can. I was trying to let my parents use it as they were low. But 10 cents meant I got 8.2 gallons for $14.00. Have to pay them back for it though.
Got a hold of Moby Dick finally, and started reading it so I'm not as behind. Put a hold on Firefight, but that one is not crucial for school, just for me. Of course it reminds me of Matilda, the opening page anyway. And I have Star Trek Next Generation's quote of it running through my head. Can't remember the movie title that is was in. I know it was when the borg go after earth. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch it.
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