
Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Rain every day so far this week-not counting sunday, which was cloudy but nice.  My oldest niece stayed over from the day before so her parents came to get her and joined us for dinner-plus cake and ice cream-so that was fun.  Monday my sister insisted I use her car due to the rain, which I had asked her but forgot why and so was thinking of walking.  Turned out to be a good thing as we got our view camera loaned to us that day in photography and trying to get it home in the rain with all my other stuff would have been hard.
The bridal shower went better than my mom feared, had quite a few people there and plenty of gifts for both the bride and groom-it was a tool/bridal shower-so everyone had fun.  We were babysitting the girls again that day so my youngest brother was chasing them and the other little kids around for the first bit so the adults could talk.  My youngest niece managed to sneak downstairs and so her dad and my sister and I had to hunt for her.
Tuesday was still raining and I wound up giving a friend a ride home as they lacked any sort of rain gear.  Glad I was using the car then too. Went to see a play of Oklahoma with my grandma so it was a late night again. And I nearly overslept this morning as a result.
Today my sister had to drop me off at the bus stop as it was raining even harder and the scooter just wasn't a good idea-my mom teased me about not wanting to be a duck-so getting to work will be tricky.
First big assignments are coming up, so I've got to get on those...

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