
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow, this week is long...Monday I had issues with my film so I had nothing for critique-accidentally exposed it while loading an earlier set so it's got a green tornado covering the night shot of the tree in our front yard that it was supposed to be-but I was there so I hope for participation points at least. One of my classmates had a naked photo-really!! I'd hoped I wouldn't have that in this class!-so it was rather awkward to talk about.  I basically studied the other shots my classmates did and didn't say anything.
Had a make up quiz in math on tuesday, that I hope I did alright on.  Forgot one of the formula's for the second problem, but I think I did the rest correctly-may have forgot a part of that formula too-so here's hoping.
Had classes yesterday too, which was not fun as I waited until almost midnight to pick up my brother-who then got a ride from a coworker-before I went home and tried to help my sister get my truck out of the garage.  We had it back together but the clutch still wouldn't let us put it in gear when I went to bed-about 2 a.m.-so it was still in there yesterday.  Made it on time though, but I was so very tired that I can't say how well I paid attention to what we were talking about.
Had work after that-pie and roll pick up day, yay....-which went til after ten.  It was steady, and we got snow!  I will admit that driving home in the rather icy conditions was not fun when I couldn't get the rear window clear, but I made it without problems.  Had some extra pies, but we still had to pay half price for them if we wanted them.  And I think a few people didn't come for their stuff.....
We went shooting today, which would have been more fun if not for the 25 degree weather and the wind making it feel in the negative at the range.  We did the usual rifle and pistol stuff, then my cousin set up their face card scatter shot challenge-a piece of paper with face cards on it, we all use the same shot gun at the same distance and try to hit the 'high cards' on the paper for our score-which my oldest sister won.  I got a candy bar for trying though.  Forgot to squeeze the shotgun to my shoulder on my second shot and bruised it as a result.
Asked my mom to braid my hair before the dinner and let her play around with it a bit-she did a two sided braid that kind of looks like a tiara type thing-so I don't have to worry too much about my hair.  My brother brought the game we like to play, and my cousin put it we were keeping the tradition alive, and we played that while dinner was put away and the pies brought out.
Want to take shots, but I don't want to go outside for them...

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