
Friday, December 18, 2015

So Far So Good....

Only one final grade so far, but it's a B+ so I'll take it.  My other english class grade is coming up, so there's hope there.  Math is not online so I'm still stuck waiting for the final grade.  Art so far is an A but that also has to wait for the final to be graded before I know for sure.  I'm really hoping here....
Work was crazy last night, but we had some humorous disasters.  First a coworker was grabbing some pastries from the display fridge and bumped a tray of samples out of it in the process.  Thankfully only a few hit the floor, but it made a bit of a mess.  No real issues in cleaning it up though.  Then I was getting two fruit tarts and two chocolate domes for a drive through customer, had them in the container on the counter while grabbing a box for a slice of cheesecake and had and avalanche of small plates fall over.  They hit the container of treats and knocked them to the floor.  It was closed, so no mess and they were still edible, but they'd kind of mushed together so I had to get new ones for the customer.  Would have really felt bad while telling the manager, but they came out of the walk in fridge after grabbing pastries for the display fridge having somehow dropped a tray of ten fruit tarts while doing so.  The bread makers were rather happy about it.  The manager joked that it was becoming a silent unconscious war on fruit tarts.  And then right before I got off another coworker was grabbing a seeded baguette for the sandwich makers and dropped it behind the panini grill.  We just commented that it was their turn to drop stuff, and the baguette was perfectly fine, just had to retrieve it.
Really cold though, and no more snow.  Was cloudy last night so its a bit warmer today.  Snow kept trying to bury me while falling off the trees as I walked the dogs this morning. Figures...

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