
Monday, April 17, 2017


Finally got a trailer full of it to cover the garden and diminish the weeds.  Downside is it takes almost an hour to cover a row-small one about a foot wide-with an inch or so of it as that's the most effective.  Plus doing it by hand with shovels and rakes when said trailer has a shell on it so getting the mulch out means lifting the shovel up to shoulder height to get through the window.  And two hours of that is very draining.
Saw a doctor today about being tired all the time.  They agreed to check my thyroid-my mom and sister's thought though I don't have any other symptoms-but also wanted to check my blood count.  Doesn't help my dad's joke yesterday about me being a vampire as I don't like my drinks cold...He thinks I'm anemic.  Guess we'll find out...
Down to the last two weeks of the online class and two assignments left to go.  Then the lovely two part final-just like the midterm of course-and I'm ready to start my master's program.  Should be doing one today but after trying to get the mulch on the garden I'm just not up for sitting in front of the computer trying to read the textbook and answer questions at the same time.  Probably do it thursday after the temple.  It's the only other day when I might have time.
Supposed to rain, and the watering system now has water running to it, but the valves need cleaning which I don't know how to do.   More waiting.....

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