Well, finally got the PCE stuff passed so I can start student teaching in January as planned. Took several conversations with mentors and two visits back to the high school. But its done so I'm good there. Just have to work on two research classes for the next three weeks.
Bad is that during the lovely problems with my truck(clutch master cylinder was going out and kept sucking air into the line so it couldn't shift) either a Crankshaft or a rod bearing in my engine snapped, which one means the engine can't run right or well(barely at all in fact), and two that there's a loose piece rattling around making things worse every time I drive it. So currently I'm dependent on others to get to work.
However, all this has given me a list of things to be thankful for for Thanksgiving(I know it's late, but last week was kind of crazy) So here it is:
1. My heavenly father, his son and my savior Jesus Christ, and the love (not to mention the giant guardian angel-or multiple ones who protect me) they give me.
2.My parents who are incredibly helpful and understanding when I fall short on my rent work and chores due to school and other stuff, and help me with getting to work because my car is falling apart.
3. My mentor for my master's degree, who helped me so much with all that PCE stuff and getting a hold of the course mentor(yeah, there's a difference) so I could get it passed off in time. And the first one was good as well....
4. The course mentor who put up with having to help me on very short notice with the stuff. Not to mention a few past ones who had to help me with failed final assignments.
5. My cute and funny coworkers who catch on when I'm having a rough day and try to give me a reason to laugh or at least smile once I get to work so I can do my job without dwelling on what's going on too much.
6. My managers who are willing to work with my schedule and difficulties when they can despite having their own problems and other employees to cover.
7. My siblings, who usually try to help with the laughter part, when they're not trying to help with the transportation issues I keep having(and school when it comes up).
8. My ward members, who are always there with a smile and talk to me when I may not want them too but I do need them too.
9. Having a job that never gets more stressful than the holiday craziness(which my manager gave me a compliment about the pre-Thanksgiving pie and roll pick up, where they told me the only reason for a long shift that day was that I was the only night shift cashier who'd gone through a holiday before so I could help them get a feel for it)and the only changes I have to watch for are new pastries and new faces.
10. Having a brain that works the way I need it to for my goals. Which ties into having a body that works well too.
11. A roof over my head, good food to eat, and clothes that fit me well.
Might be more than that, but that's the big stuff for now.
You are awesome! I am so very thankful for you!! :)