
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Week 3 Down...

Ugh....Last week was soooo long thanks to working full time while trying to get 30 hours of my appeal observation(have to get 100 of them by April 1, not happening sadly, if I want to get in the fall cohort) in.  Managed it but was rather on autopilot by the end of Friday.  Crashed saturday, but didn't sleep in as well as I wanted to.  This week's not looking much better, even with the day off yesterday(from observations, teacher work days don't count sadly) as I did not get much sleep last night.
Then a coworker came in with a doctor's note saying they can't work for a full seven days, which means my manager spent an hour trying to get the days that that employee worked during that time frame covered by other employees.  Glad it was a very slow monday for the most part(rush after all that happened and we were beyond bored) so not too big of a deal.
Turns out the final I submitted two weeks ago and emailed my mentor about(as it was sitting in the 'evaluation in progress' state for three days) was something I misunderstood.  Thought it was just research with a question but it needed to be a full paper. Sigh...So I get to redo that sometime in this weeks(probably not though) to do list.
My sister has a post she thinks matches the weather: "winter is throwing a tantrum and storming out of the room only to stomp back in with 'and another thing..'"  Whereas a friend at church says it's more like winter procrastinated and is realizing it only has a few days to finish before spring shows up.  Be fun to see which is the more agreed with one....

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