
Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Which was awesome just because all of my family(including the brother who moved to another state and the grand kids) managed to spend the whole day at my parent's house just hanging out really.  not a lot on the physical present side, but the spending time together would have been more than enough.  Getting all of my siblings for any of the holidays has been getting harder as my two married siblings have kids and other responsibilities and my brother has to take a plane to get here.  But we managed it this Christmas!
Work of course was crazy, and people did not seem to notice the 'closed at 4' sign my boss put up before Thanksgiving to let them know we were not having regular hours and tried to come in after we'd turned off the open signs. Had to wait almost fifteen minutes after that to lock the doors and people still tried to  come in.  And when that failed to let them in they came through drive through....
Today was much slower(we still made almost as much as we'd been making every day for the past week with six hours less)by comparison but still busy.  The late snow last night trying to freeze car doors shut and keeping the daylight cold did not help I think.  Sold a lot of soup today....
Might get to see siblings tonight too, but we'll see.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


My mom and I were working on my ceramic greenware christmas scene and one of the sides on the church caved in. We spent the next hour trying to piece it back together so it would hold on the outside.  today I spent another 15-30 minutes getting the inside of all the cracks to hopefully ensure it would not fall apart during the firing.  Letting it dry for now then I'll go back later to see if it worked or if I still need to patch more of it.  Took a few tries on the outside to keep the patch from cracking while drying.  Then if it's good I just have to smooth out or reform the windows(sad to say that side had a lot of them) and rough patches.
Staged a pillow fight with my dad on saturday that my youngest brother got involved in too, just trying to get him to smile as my dad had had a stressful week and seemed tired.  Went on for about fifteen minutes and I did see a big smile for a while there.  Success!
Work has not been as busy as my GM thinks it should be so less hours at work.  But saturday was very busy so it still is plenty busy for me.
Christmas is so close!  Had a sub job yesterday that made it clear to me how eager the students are for the break.  They were supposed to watch a video on the earthquake in Japan and take a quiz while doing so and I could not get them to stop talking for more than 30 seconds.  Just was not going to happen I guess.
Had to get a new water heater saturday(part of why my dad was so stressed) as my dad was fixing a leaking toilet and the water heater started leaking. Sigh...

Saturday, December 8, 2018


Been a cold week, that's for sure.  So far has not got above 40 once since it snowed.  But that's not surprising to me.  Just means I have to make myself deal with the cold until my body gets used to it.  I guess being on drive through a lot will help there....
Work was of course crazy thursday with French Toast with Santa(they got the same awesome guy to do Santa as last year, which was cool for the kids) and people wanting soup.  Ran out of a lot before we closed.  Last night was not much better, given it was friday and it seemed to be either sick people(hopefully their family, not the actual sick person) getting soup or people not wanting to cook coming for most of the night.  Put us very far behind on cleaning before and after close and the only reason we were done by 10:30 is there were two of us doing it.
My mom got a cold this week that is refusing to let go despite three days off from work and stuff.  Thankfully none of the rest of us got it.  My dad took a few days off to help her as well.
I think I've got all my presents ready save one that just needs a frame, which is nice.  Means that I'm done with that for now.
Pearl Harbor day yesterday,  watched Midway with my family after I got off work.  They watched Tora Tora Tora while I was gone.  77 years....
Had to put our oldest cat down today, seems she hurt her back some time this week and she was just not functioning well at all.  She couldn't walk really, just limped and kind of fell to one side with each step.  Her meow sounded like a dying record and she couldn't really eat.  Hard to say it, but it seemed the only thing we could do for her was to let her go as she was not likely to last much longer any way and we did not want her to suffer.  My second youngest brother is really sad about it, just like when we had to put our dog Marley down.  And Samantha(the cat) was older than Marley.  She lasted longer than Princess, my dad's cat who died at about 15.  Marley was about 10-12(we were never sure of her age).  Samantha lasted 18 years.  So she had a long run.  Her brother didn't make it to 10 I think, but he got hit by a car.
Funny that this is the week that my cat Midnight decided to come back to us a bit more permanently.  She's been coming by off and on for several years now, but this week she seems to have come back to stay.  Demanding to be an inside cat and wanting a lot more attention now too...
Down to her and her sister Teresa now...

Monday, December 3, 2018


We finally got a lot of snow that stuck!  To the drive way any way.  So my dad and I had to spend 20-30 minutes clearing a path for him and my mom to get their cars out to go to work(my brothers' were not keen on helping, though the second youngest did help with the other side a little after my dad left) and I finished the rest of it later. After visiting the chiropractor to figure out why my neck has been giving me headaches all weekend(occipital bone and my C5 vertebrae were out of place-the former in a unique way according to the chiropractor)and getting things put back in place.
Good news about getting the driveway done early: even when it snows after it's shoveled it tends to melt instead of continuing to stick most of the time.  so it dries off before it gets dark so we avoid an ice sheet.  hard part is usually getting it done early enough for that to happen.  or when it is too cold so that it sticks any way.
Kind of a hot chocolate pastry night saturday, so the nasty headache part did not help with the late night trying to clean up the store.  But it was a good pastry night even with customers coming in after we closed(finally had to tell people we had closed as they were coming in so we wouldn't get in trouble).
Got my 50,000 words in before work friday!  Beat my mom, for once.  Only because I had more time alone to write and this story just kept going and going and going on its own....