
Tuesday, December 18, 2018


My mom and I were working on my ceramic greenware christmas scene and one of the sides on the church caved in. We spent the next hour trying to piece it back together so it would hold on the outside.  today I spent another 15-30 minutes getting the inside of all the cracks to hopefully ensure it would not fall apart during the firing.  Letting it dry for now then I'll go back later to see if it worked or if I still need to patch more of it.  Took a few tries on the outside to keep the patch from cracking while drying.  Then if it's good I just have to smooth out or reform the windows(sad to say that side had a lot of them) and rough patches.
Staged a pillow fight with my dad on saturday that my youngest brother got involved in too, just trying to get him to smile as my dad had had a stressful week and seemed tired.  Went on for about fifteen minutes and I did see a big smile for a while there.  Success!
Work has not been as busy as my GM thinks it should be so less hours at work.  But saturday was very busy so it still is plenty busy for me.
Christmas is so close!  Had a sub job yesterday that made it clear to me how eager the students are for the break.  They were supposed to watch a video on the earthquake in Japan and take a quiz while doing so and I could not get them to stop talking for more than 30 seconds.  Just was not going to happen I guess.
Had to get a new water heater saturday(part of why my dad was so stressed) as my dad was fixing a leaking toilet and the water heater started leaking. Sigh...

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