
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Snow Day?

Thanks to the weather people actually getting the timing right, we got snow to go with a winter weather advisory.  And shocker, my dad actually got a snow day off work!  My mom was annoyed because she didn't(none of the rest of us did in fact)so he gets to work on stuff around the house as the snow keeps coming down.  Funny thing was, my dad got the text after he, my second youngest brother, and I finished clearing off the driveway so he could get out.  And it seems two of his coworkers were either on route already or at work by the time they got the info.  Usually that's him....
But it's nice to have more snow given it is still winter. Despite the fact that the groundhog did not see their shadow....First time I remember that happening.  My sister thinks it's funny that usually the groundhog does and we don't get snow, now they didn't and we did.
Still waiting to hear about the details for Japan....sigh.

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