
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Getting Ready

Getting the last of my stuff together for next week's flight, which means I've had the butterflies in the stomach feeling all week so far.  But I've got nearly everything I need, just need to finish packing what I can for now(though I want to do laundry before I do any clothes).
Had rain last night and this afternoon, but warming up for spring so I get by with my nice long sweater jacket that I got last year.  Trying to get to tree trimming but it's kind of a two person job.  Also been trying to finish up the greenware for my Christmas scene so I can get it fired before I leave(and therefore store it safely, unfired greenware doesn't last)  Have one church, one tree, and a house with a chimney about done, but still more to do.
Kind of weird to think that I'm actually leaving in less than a week. Had lunch with my mom at a sub job this morning, and she thinks I ought to go have lunch with my dad before I leave next week.  Have to see what he thinks...

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