
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Angel Teachers

I was talking to a friend and fellow ALT the other day and we got into the subject of teachers who really helped us growing up.  I know of a few who really helped me through the years, so while I won't name names I'd like to mention them somewhat and how they helped me.
1. My third grade teacher who spent hours after school with me to help me master long division, as well as helping me earn money to buy a musical instrument(I'm sad to say I don't recall it's name, though I know what it looked like) so I could join the rest of the class in learning to play it.
2. My fifth grade teacher who decided that instead of our usual indoor recess activities we could try writing stories, which led to the teacher and my classmates informing me I had a talent for creative writing.  Funny how I don't like ghost stories but that was what I wrote...
3. My 7th grade English teacher, who later was my 8th and 9th grade French teacher.  They knew when students needed to get up and move, and how to keep them learning while doing it.  I may not remember much french, but I remember the stuff the teacher had us do to remember tricky stuff.
4. My 8th grade english teacher, who had us try writing poetry about ourselves, and told me they wanted copies of mine after I turned it in.
5. My high school creative writing teacher, who played music during writing time(which always helps me even now) and made sure to challenge us as often as they could.
6. The college literature professor who told their classes that the students should not be expected to read the teachers mind.  So they almost required us to turn in the term papers early in order to find out what they wanted from us.  Plus they gave us extra credit and advise for doing so.  Glad they taught almost all the literature classes I had to take.
7. The college math teacher who let their students redo tests and homework for extra credit and practice, thus allowing me to finally pass the required math class.
8. A ward member who was also a teacher that stood up for me when I was trying to get back in student teaching.
9. My mom, who taught me life skills like cooking, cleaning, shopping, and caring.
10. My dad who taught me to drive, make special desserts, grill, fix a car(kind of, I think I've mentioned my muscle deficiency in that area) mow a lawn, plant a garden(mom helped there too) and watch my finances.
Probably missed a few, but these were the ones that came up during the conversation. 
Have to wonder if they are still teaching with all that's going on...