
Sunday, August 9, 2020

They are Stalking me...

 Crazy mosquitoes.  Went to a barbeque sleepover with some of my ALT friends during the break in July.  Got home after noon the next day and had mosquito bites on both legs and both arms. one else got bit.  Got bit in the forehead twice at work before that, and once on the elbow after.  Went out for an hour yesterday and got bit at least once.   I swear they wait long enough for the last batch to go away(however long it takes)and then go after me again.

Was able to get the sacrament yesterday with the help of a nearby bishop and his son, so I didn't have to go all the way to Tokyo even though I would have enjoyed the social interaction.  But I can get some of that here.

My parents and siblings are sick, which makes me nervous given what's still going around.  Been all week, so that's not helping my concern.

Two week break started this weekend, but I'm stuck in the prefecture where I work by request of my company.  Just have to find some local sites to visit so I'm not bored in my apartment the entire time.

Hear of crazy things all over the world lately.   Explosions in Lebanon, famines, and so on.  Makes me wonder how all of this will play out.... 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Angel Teachers

I was talking to a friend and fellow ALT the other day and we got into the subject of teachers who really helped us growing up.  I know of a few who really helped me through the years, so while I won't name names I'd like to mention them somewhat and how they helped me.
1. My third grade teacher who spent hours after school with me to help me master long division, as well as helping me earn money to buy a musical instrument(I'm sad to say I don't recall it's name, though I know what it looked like) so I could join the rest of the class in learning to play it.
2. My fifth grade teacher who decided that instead of our usual indoor recess activities we could try writing stories, which led to the teacher and my classmates informing me I had a talent for creative writing.  Funny how I don't like ghost stories but that was what I wrote...
3. My 7th grade English teacher, who later was my 8th and 9th grade French teacher.  They knew when students needed to get up and move, and how to keep them learning while doing it.  I may not remember much french, but I remember the stuff the teacher had us do to remember tricky stuff.
4. My 8th grade english teacher, who had us try writing poetry about ourselves, and told me they wanted copies of mine after I turned it in.
5. My high school creative writing teacher, who played music during writing time(which always helps me even now) and made sure to challenge us as often as they could.
6. The college literature professor who told their classes that the students should not be expected to read the teachers mind.  So they almost required us to turn in the term papers early in order to find out what they wanted from us.  Plus they gave us extra credit and advise for doing so.  Glad they taught almost all the literature classes I had to take.
7. The college math teacher who let their students redo tests and homework for extra credit and practice, thus allowing me to finally pass the required math class.
8. A ward member who was also a teacher that stood up for me when I was trying to get back in student teaching.
9. My mom, who taught me life skills like cooking, cleaning, shopping, and caring.
10. My dad who taught me to drive, make special desserts, grill, fix a car(kind of, I think I've mentioned my muscle deficiency in that area) mow a lawn, plant a garden(mom helped there too) and watch my finances.
Probably missed a few, but these were the ones that came up during the conversation. 
Have to wonder if they are still teaching with all that's going on...

Friday, June 26, 2020


Had a small earthquake Thursday morning.  The usual kind that startles awake but doesn't break things.  Woke me up before 5, and my phone alert went off.  Then some kind of city alert was going off so there wasn't much chance of going back to sleep before my 5:30 alarm.  Sigh...Did make for fun conversation topics in the lessons and after school though.  Learned the word for earthquake in Japanese: jishin.  Got a long conversation with some students about it after school before the VP walked up and told the students they had 'good english'.  Given it took a bit for them to catch what I was asking and the VP came up right after the light bulb moment when we all got on the same page it was kind of funny.  Still cool when that happens.
Switching between schools is fun and yet crazy.  Have to make sure I have all my stuff at the end of each day as I'll need it the next.  Keeping track of which class is where in the lesson is tricky, with six or seven in each grade and they might be in the same chapter or on the same page but not the same section. a notebook to write down each one just to help me keep track a bit better.
Had dinner with a fellow female ALT after work on Thursday as we got paid this week.  They were feeling a bit antisocial and trying to break out of it.  Spending three months stuck at home doesn't least they have a pet.  I don't get that luxury.
My Japanese understanding is steadily improving but speaking and kanji are still slow.  Muzukashi....(hard in Japanese)
Humid and warm today, which means I'm sweating even though it's only mid 80's.  Did laundry this morning and even with the cold water I was hot. Figures.  Get rain every other day too, which only contributes to the uncomfortable factor.  Oh well.
I pray everyone is staying safe and following precautions as summer starts up.  Not that I get one.  With the shutdown we work through July and half of August.  So our summer is two weeks in August.  No speech contest so no practice sessions.  Sad but I understand.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Am I

Annoyed or amused?  Kind of hard to tell.  First I get to go back to work this week, which means I'm no longer stuck in my apartment most of the day.  But then the teachers are busy and I still have next to nothing to do.  The company who hired me asks me to check my temperature before I go into work(and not go if I have a fever).  And I've been trying to get a thermometer for the past month with no luck.  Ask for suggestions and everyone seems to respond like they think I haven't looked (or asked, which I did that too) or even know what it's called in Japanese(I have a dictionary for that...).  Had to order one online.
Which is another thing.  Ordered the conference ensign almost a month ago and am still waiting on a delivery date.  Thermometer was due this coming saturday, they delivered it yesterday.  Why do some delivery companies use my drop box and others make me ask for redelivery? Sigh...
Funny part about the thermometer, the instructions are all Japanese, and the reading is Celsius.  But the on/off switch is English...
Went to the school I started at today, and one of the teachers noticed I'd lost weight since last year.  They then asked me if I was okay...Guess losing weight might not be such a good thing right now...  Kind of funny though.
At the school I go to Monday through Wednesday, they don't really talk to me much, though it was getting better yesterday.  Work with three teachers there but only heard from one about lessons next week.  Still tried to plan stuff just in case.  Did get to do a quick self intro with the whole first grade, long one next week.  Also help clean the teachers room and main entrance after the students leave(have to sanitize everything it seems) for this week at least.  Tried to say goodbye to all the students as they left so they get used to me.
The school I go to Thursday and Friday almost everyone greeted me and several talked to me(VP even gave me a note that if I was having troubles I should talk to them).  Even though there were no real lessons, one teacher had me do a very short self intro to one of the 1st grade classes and help intro phonics(not fun trying to speak up wearing a face mask, kept slipping down and getting in my mouth).  Also got to farewell the students as they left.  Cleaning was more involved, helped a teacher clean a classroom-sweep the floor then sanitize the desks, chairs, and door knobs(well, not knobs, but I don't know if they'd be called a handle or something else.  they don't stick out).  Took most of an hour.  Laughed inside as there was a very annoying mosquito buzzing around the teachers room after that.  I tried to squash it but missed.  Flew in another teachers face as a third encouraged me to try and get it.  Of course I lost sight of it after that.  Don't know if anyone got it.
Trains are busy, but I can tell that less people are riding than usual.  The train in the morning had all the seats full, but it used to have plenty of people standing too.  The afternoon train had open seats, but some people were standing anyway.
Hot and humid in the sun, but a nice breeze in the shade.  Figures...

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

May to June...

Well, this is my last week of working from home.  Next week we go back to school.  But still not the same.  Students only stay until lunch and then go home.  So teachers kind of have the afternoons for prep stuff.  Have to bring our own lunch though.
Then the next week is more usual, students stay the full day.  And school lunch is provided.  But we all have wear face masks and no contact.   Meaning no handouts or even getting close to each other.  Such fun when we're trying to engage student interest in another language....
ALT's have the option of a plastic face shield during lessons so students can see how our mouths move.  But not required unless the school asks.
Summer is going to be a lot shorter.  No breaks in July and we work two weeks in August.  So only two weeks off for summer.  At least we get paid more, August is usually a very tight payday.
No speech contest for now, though they may have something later.
Getting warmer outside, which means my apartment is getting hot in the afternoon.
Everything else is kind of uncertain...but that's 2020's motto so far. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Why? from home is super boring.  But for some reason the days go by faster when I'm "working" verses my days off.  When "working" I glance at my watch and realize that so much time has passed.  But on my days off I can stare at my watch going "it's only 11 am?"  The weather loves being weird too.  Monday was nice, sunny but not hot and a hint of a cool breeze.  Tuesday was cloudy but still warm.  Not much wind.  Today is mostly clear but steady gusts of wind.  Sigh....
Wondering if I can come home without a two week self quarantine.  So I can see family (and my doctor, got to love genetics.  Need medication for it. Figures) and not be stuck inside the whole time.
Earthquakes almost seem to be a weekly thing lately.  But not big ones.  Last one was around the 4.0-5.0 range but it seemed quieter than the two I'd felt before it.  Those were the same, roughly.  Rattled my closet doors.  Last one I could only tell because my curtains and hangers were swinging for several seconds.  Got an alert for one, otherwise no warnings.  I suspect that's because the alert comes to my USA phone and I don't always have it on-it tends to get glitchy if it's on for too long.
My sister keeps sending me videos of her adorable little kittens...wish I could have one but no luck.  She says Japan seems dangerous with all the quakes.  I don't quite agree given they had one that did more damage there than any I've felt here.
Got to see a cool local peony garden with two friends on saturday.  Not just peonies but that's the main draw.  Sad that they didn't do so well in profits this year but that's Coronavirus for you.  Just hope they can pull through.  It's a beautiful spot.
I saw a meme joking that someone is playing Jumanji.  Sometimes I wonder....

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

And Another Month Goes By...

Well, I am glad that I still have a job, despite working from home being extremely boring and lonely.  I think my vocal cords have gotten rusty, I have a bit of a hard time talking at first but it gets better after that.  Sadly don't get a lot of time to talk to people, especially face to face.  Lock downs are not fun.
Weather's warming up, which makes it easier to get out and walk, though more rain counters it a bit.  Humidity factor also dampens things, makes it feel hotter.  Only 75 degrees but feels closer to 90 when it's humid.  Rain helps there, takes the edge off.
Bugs are coming out, which is not cool when it's in my apartment in the dark and I can hear them creeping around.  Makes it a little hard to sleep.  Flies are annoying during the day but only when they get in my face.
Getting used to wearing the face mask, even though it still dries my eyes out.  Hopefully this will be under control soon...

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Is It Actually Going to Happen?

Sheesh...the original plan was for school to start this week(in Japan, before the coronavirus stuff) but that got pushed to next week as far as I've heard.  But that was before the Prime Minister declared the State of Emergency thing...Haven't heard from my work since Sunday....
While I do have Netflix now(thanks to a sibling's help) and found a free video site when I can get some info on learning to speak Japanese(still wish for in person stuff but oh well) I'm still very bored.  Working on Kindle password doesn't want to work. Figures.
Since there was no work, I actually watched the sunday sessions of General Conference live!  The hosanna shout was tricky, as it was 1am here and I didn't want to disturb my neighbors.  So I kept my volume low.  Got up for the second session at 5am so I wasn't as worried but no shout there.  Sadly spent the rest of the day dad teased me about walking into walls.  Tempted to tell him that walls weren't the problem.  It was dips or steps going down in front of me that I had issues with.  Guess it messed with my depth perception....thankfully no falls or injuries.  Just a jolt as I had to go further down than I thought.
Otherwise trying to occupy myself in this not quite lockdown situation. Sigh.....

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Icy Rain...

My friends a little north of me got snow this weekend...all I got was icy rain that sucked the heat out of my apartment so that I had to turn on the heater.  Been fine without it all week. Figures.
They got snow back home(bet their glad for the lockdown so that only two or three have to go places)so I'm a little jealous.  Though it would probably still be just as cold and melt fast if we got any here.
Trees are getting beautiful.  Spring is really going now despite the cold.  One of my friends had a video of the cherry blossoms falling with the snow.  Really cool.
Seems my siblings are having car problems again...meaning that my car is getting used(no complaints from me)but now they have to work out who gets to use it when.  I don't know how one of them did what they did to their car, but it sounds like a pain to fix.
Start of week two of 'spring break' for us english teaching aides...Hoping to have a fun evening with two friends playing games and watching movies.  Be very bored otherwise.
Downsides to losing weight in Japan:
1. hard to find clothes in your size given they use a different system.
2. hard to find clothes because they are built differently(granted, it's tricky back home too).
3. still get very hungry sometimes
4. can't afford new clothes all at once so I have to make do with baggy ones for a while...
5. and I'm just being silly right now while debating about lunch options...

Friday, March 20, 2020


Good grief, is this going to get better yet?!
Now the US is up to level 3(technically the world is) so travel is being really restricted so I cancelled my flight home(still in the works actually, have to wait for the poor overworked CS people to get to it).  My parents finally got theirs to Japan cancelled.  Sigh....
School's officially out, though no students for most of the last three weeks.  Just my last day for the school year was yesterday.  Hard though, as that school's closing down so I probably won't see the teachers again...students either.  Wish for pictures...they are a bit touchy about pictures of students here.  Privacy is big to them.  So I'm not angry, just sad.
Getting the sacrament is fun...have to meet up with a small group(still no large group gatherings here) somewhere to get it.  But we do Zoom meetings  and those are fun.
Have three fiction books to read, but I feel like Tangled 'reread the books if I have time to spare'.  Read them so many times I'd rather not.  Do have church related stuff that's not worn out to me yet.  Been listening to the Saints volume one on the church website while doing cross stitch, so that's a fun sunday thing.
Weather's warming up though, so hoping to get together with friends more while we're all bored waiting for next school year to start.  Have an elephant reserve to visit...maybe Kyoto if it's safe...
Earthquake in Utah damaged the temple...scary.  The tornado quite a while back completely missed it so this is a little worrying.  They just shut it down to remodel for earthquakes too....Divine inspiration at work...sounds like no one got hurt there...Poor Moroni lost his horn.  Hope that's an easy fix.

Monday, March 2, 2020

World War Z

Am I weird because this Coronavirus scare reminds me of that movie?  Of course, minus the total society collapse and biting zombies.  But the rush for things to stock pile is a little annoying.  Every store I know of is out of toilet paper, tissues, and (not all on this one) Paper towels.  I have plenty of the latter two, but a little low on toilet paper.  Should still be good for a while, but I don't like leaving it this long.
It also got the trip to Japan and cruise tour my parents and siblings planned on cancelled. Yeah, guess which ship it was going to be on?
But I can go home instead, though I'll have less time given the way my work schedule goes.  At least the tickets were cheaper than usual.
Schools being cancelled is just for students at the moment.  We teachers still have to go prep stuff for graduations and next school year.  Downside is there is no school lunch so I have to remember to bring one.  One of my coworkers already does that so no big deal for them.
Got to love winter in Japan.  Had one attempt at snow fall(didn't stick and only lasted about an hour) and otherwise it just rains.  The cold drizzle that's worse than snow.  And I get to walk at least 10-15 minutes in it.  50 if I miss the bus.  The wind is not nice either...
Hope it warms up tomorrow....