
Friday, March 20, 2020


Good grief, is this going to get better yet?!
Now the US is up to level 3(technically the world is) so travel is being really restricted so I cancelled my flight home(still in the works actually, have to wait for the poor overworked CS people to get to it).  My parents finally got theirs to Japan cancelled.  Sigh....
School's officially out, though no students for most of the last three weeks.  Just my last day for the school year was yesterday.  Hard though, as that school's closing down so I probably won't see the teachers again...students either.  Wish for pictures...they are a bit touchy about pictures of students here.  Privacy is big to them.  So I'm not angry, just sad.
Getting the sacrament is fun...have to meet up with a small group(still no large group gatherings here) somewhere to get it.  But we do Zoom meetings  and those are fun.
Have three fiction books to read, but I feel like Tangled 'reread the books if I have time to spare'.  Read them so many times I'd rather not.  Do have church related stuff that's not worn out to me yet.  Been listening to the Saints volume one on the church website while doing cross stitch, so that's a fun sunday thing.
Weather's warming up though, so hoping to get together with friends more while we're all bored waiting for next school year to start.  Have an elephant reserve to visit...maybe Kyoto if it's safe...
Earthquake in Utah damaged the temple...scary.  The tornado quite a while back completely missed it so this is a little worrying.  They just shut it down to remodel for earthquakes too....Divine inspiration at work...sounds like no one got hurt there...Poor Moroni lost his horn.  Hope that's an easy fix.


  1. Well, someone commented on how it's interesting that the damage was while the temple was closed and technically 'not dedicated'. Go figure... I hear that the Olympics might be delayed till next year. Things are still ramping up here - count is over 200 in Utah today. Got to love living in the last days... How goes your study in come follow me?? :)

    1. The YSA's get together on Zoom every other week about it, and I try to study it during the week.
