
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Enter the Work Zone...

Working a lot next week, and covering for someone else tomorrow.  My feet hurt.  Need better shoes, or sole inserts for my current pair as they have little left.
School's going at least, yet I've somehow got a pell grant which the school told me I had too many credits for.  So how does that work?
Haven't got paid yet, or heard about my grade for that last math test...
Got a draft for the paper done though.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Rather Not do That Again...

Had to run to school early yesterday so I could take my math test and drop off the financial aid stuff I wasn't able to monday-barely made both fit in...-before going to class.
Did not get my paper done in time to get it in for a pre-critique, but I hope to have it by thursday.
Still raining today-or last night so everything's still wet.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


It's raining!  And it rained a bit yesterday too-of course that was when I was walking to my car after my video job training-so things are cooler today.
My sister and brother seem to think I have better luck with certain online games that I've never played.  They've both had me play a level for them during the past two days.  I only had one bit of luck for the first time, and not much since.
Trying to get my paper going, my online english class finally graded the last three assignments, and I still have that math test...

Monday, July 28, 2014


For some reason I can't access my school email account.  Worked fine saturday...
Still no word on financial aid as to whether i qualify for work study, so I'll have to go talk to them.  Have training for the video job today anyway.
Need to get my modern american lit paper started today...
And I have a math test this week...

Saturday, July 26, 2014

She Got Them!

My mom likes to set up a hummingbird feeder every year so she can watch and photo them.  She got one up thursday or yesterday-not sure which-, and she got some today.  My brothers keep scaring them off.
Got two thirds of my math stuff done, and the cake for my sister's coworker frosted and picked up.  Hope they like it...

Friday, July 25, 2014


Still waiting for word on the work study stuff for my in school job.  Sigh. 
A friend at my sister's work asked me to make a carrot cake for their father's birthday.  Cake's done, did it last night.  Now I need to frost and decorate it.
Zucchini in our garden is going wild as usual.  Tomato's are slower, but getting there.  Peppers have started, but the corn needs a week or so.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Happy Pioneer Day!

Yep, its that time again.  Out of Utah people can't get the day off like in Utah people do, but they can still celebrate it if they want to.
President Monson was in the parade!  My parents feared the new camera people skipped over him but they didn't.
Kind of cloudy today, afraid the fires are the cause...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Have to take a bunch of online stuff for my new job.  Kind of wish they'd mentioned it to me at work, but the emailing works.  Just surprised me.  Work to day went well.  Other than two things I messed up-easily fixed, thankfully-I'm getting the hang of it.
My online teacher graded an assignment due today yesterday, but I still submitted it.  Just need to get math done.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I don't know how the character does it in Turner and Hooch, but no matter how many times I've painted I get it at least on my hands and clothes.  Avoided getting it in my hair this time.
Had two weird dreams yesterday and today, one regarding the whole end of the world thing, today's covered a strange mark on the wall I painted yesterday.  What's up with that?

Monday, July 21, 2014


I don't think they expected that much of a response for the million names indexed challenge going from 6 p.m. yesterday to 6 p.m. today.  I was barely able to get a batch and submit it, and none of my siblings or either parent could.  Felt bad about that, plus I managed to download two extra batches in the process-not sure how.  I just did the one though, hoping if I got off quickly they'd be able to get in.
Forgot last week that my teacher and a classmate had a interesting encounter tuesday and thursday.  the classmate promised to bring drinks tuesday and completely forgot.  they came to class early that same day to apologize.  The teacher admitted to having a bit of fun with it, and then felt really bad thursday when said classmate showed up an hour or so early with five bottles of martinelli's sparkling juice.  The teacher went and grabbed two little Caesar's pizza's to try and make up to them for it.
I think they forgot that the teacher said not to try and 'one up' each time with what said student brings, though the classmate was simply making up for their lapse.  It was fun anyway.
Had loads of cloud cover yesterday, with some of nature's fireworks to go with it.  A city close by got rain, but we just got the thunder. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014


My feet hurt.  Another four hour shift today, and I had to get my assigned room clean before going.  Which I did.
Spent yesterday morning picking apricots with my second youngest brother, as well as picking up the not yet squashed ones on the ground.  Not many salvageable from there.  Made a heavy mess in the bucket I was using though.
We also have tomato's starting to ripen! Yay!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

1st Day

Always nerve wracking, no matter what my experience regarding the new job.  I will admit, I know a bit more about food chain stores than any other job I've done recently, but Kneader's is a bit more complicated than my previous ones in that area.
Have to wear a hat, as expected, and a hairnet.  They provide the shirt, which is rather nice in my opinion-the shirt, not providing it though that is nice too-so I didn't have to find something.
Next training is saturday.  Fun...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Blegh, sweating rather bad today.  Managed to get a whole row free of weeds-might have missed the smaller ones-before it got too hot.  then my brother tried to overheat his car on his way to something job related and I had to run him some coolant. That car is dying...
Went to my married sister's house for dinner before-and after- class.  We had my brother in laws specialty ribs for dinner with some potatoes.  got home rather late as my sister-not married-wanted to finish playing a video game level.
Have a small stack of paper to read through before work tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

That Was Cool.

We went to Buffalo Wild wings for my birthday yesterday, and the server came by with a flashing red light-like a police car-and a microphone to announce my birthday and give me a large piece of almost dark chocolate cake with ice cream.  They called out my name and the age I am now, and asked everyone to say happy birthday with them. The response was mainly from my table despite the large amount of customers, so the server proclaimed that 'okay, that was lame, lets try again' and got a much better response.  The cake and ice cream was great too.
We kind of had a micro burst-without the rain-when we were leaving, so things were flying around a bit.  Watched Studio C videos after that.
Got a call this morning-Got the Kneaders job!  Start thursday.  Glad I took the food handlers test last week, now I just need to print off the temporary one today.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me...

Not that 26 is anything big.  But still.
Hot today, as usual. Instead of weeding, we cleaned out the garage so my dad could park his car in there again.  My brother has a interview at Domino's today.  Delivery driver.
Helped a family friend drop off a car for their child at work.  Didn't want them walking home in this heat.  They also gave us a smores kit.
Dad did the graduation thing saturday, which I think he had fun with despite his protests about doing it in the first place.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Now That Might Help...

Its raining during the day, so the humidity should drop the temp a bit.  Doctor's visit was quick, they think the lump is from a scratch or something and should heal in a few days.  I guess we'll see.
Just got through cleaning my room-had a long spiderweb from my window to my fan so I went and vacuumed the whole room-ceilings and walls-to get rid of it.
Need to finish math, but otherwise done for the week...

Thursday, July 10, 2014


The rain last night still didn't cool things down at all.  Just made mud. Sigh.  my brother came in from weeding with mud smeared on his hands, feet-he went out barefoot-, and shirt.
Choir rehearsal went well last night, though we practiced every song at least twice save the last one-and on that one the conductor kept messing us up when we were trying to do it right.  So they let us just finish running through it after noting the mistakes.  Still ran past the time we were supposed to end due to the closing social.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Clouds Are back

And all they are doing is making it humid.  Sigh.  Going to watch my nieces until I have choir-about 5:30 or so.  Got the reading done for my nature writing class.
My sister lost one of her electrical devices and I took a break from reading to look for it. No luck.
My corn is growing, but only a small part.  Wonder if the birds got to it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Yes! and Ugh...

I passed the food handler test with 87% on the first try!  I can download the certificate for now until they send me a permanent-for three years-one.
Of course mother nature stepped in with a vengeance last night and this morning.  Not sure why, but it took an hour of weeding before I could sit without feeling worse.
It's way too hot...

Monday, July 7, 2014


I discovered yesterday that I have some kind of lump in my right eye, which would explain the constant feeling that I have something stuck in there.
Managed to make both of m,y sister's cakes work for the party yesterday, thought the one preferred the carrot cake and said I put to much lemon in the cake roll.  Given the cake roll is something I'd never tried before, I can understand it having a few 'bugs'.  The cake itself was more like a cracker anyway.
Got halfway through my food handler's course, now I get to finish.

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Happy Independence Day!  But both the fourth and today are hot.
Ran the 5k, and now my knees are mad-forgot I need the braces for that...-along with my legs as I also helped set up our new pool after clearing the area for it.  Haven't used it yet, though three of my siblings did.
Now I need to get through the food handlers permit class I signed up for on Thursday...

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Was hoping for a bit that the clouds this morning would drop some rain and cool things off, but they just 'made the heat wet' as the nurse said in Rear Window.
Transplanted a bunch of tomato plants that were invading the corn rows, but I'm not sure they enjoyed the change.  Here's hoping they survive.
I'm hot...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


That wasn't the best idea.  One should make sure when adjusting a chair that one's feet-in this case my right middle toe-are not under any of the legs.  Didn't break anything, but bruised it rather well and took off enough skin to let it bleed pretty good.  Plus wearing shoes isn't much fun...
My second job interview went well, but I don't hear on that until next week.  Have some homework due today that I need to finish reading for-couldn't concentrate after the toe smashing.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Got a job this morning, but it doesn't start til august 1 and I'm pretty sure it's another temporary one.  Sigh...
At least its a job.  Have another interview this afternoon which should be a more long term job.  If I get it (fingers crossed)...
My dad thinks I can exercise six day of the week.  Given how sore I am from yesterday's, that's not the best idea right now...