
Tuesday, September 5, 2017


It seems a canyon not too far north of where I live is or was on fire most of the day, meaning there is smoke everywhere.  Being on drive for just 3 hours today has left me feeling like I'm having an asthma attack and I don't have those otherwise.  Doesn't help my allergies, that's for sure. Sigh.
Was weeding this morning and my brother's(or my dad's, I'm not sure which) cat would not leave me alone, to the point of climbing on my back and staying there despite my having to stand up and move around.  Just glad they didn't make me bleed with the  way they kept digging in their claws. Annoying cat....
Trying to finish up my last class' final and get started on the next one and the teacher keeps sending it back(lesson plan plus essay explanation) saying I need to fix stuff.  First it was citation stuff, which I fixed and now they say that's good but now there's a problem with the 'assessment' I included in the plan.  And I have to talk to the course mentor before I can resubmit it anyway. Sigh.  So I got started on the new class as the course mentor was gone by the time I got the teacher's email. And tomorrow's a long day where I won't get to it until late.
September 11 is coming up, and I wonder just how many people will remember what it is and try to celebrate it somehow.  Too bad I'm working....

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