
Wednesday, January 23, 2019


This inversion we've been having has made so many people feel sick, myself included. Sigh.  mainly it just feels like a head cold with out the headache(thankfully).  Just a sore throat and a cough that hurts my chest. And a bit of a stuffy nose, but that I am used to.  But we had snow monday which seems to be clearing out the inversion enough that I'm feeling better(cough is lingering though).
Work is both slowing down and not.  Monday was so boring we were done with most of the cleaning stuff by five.  Yesterday was different, though we did get all the cleaning done(my coworkers did, I wound up watching register and filling orders while they cleaned).  But it was busy enough we were not bored. At least not until those not working to close left and it got really slow.  but that was only for less than an hour and there were only three of us.
Had a sub job yesterday that was easy, the only difficult part was getting from it to work.  have one tomorrow that takes less than five minutes to get to my work from. makes life a bit easier.
Have another interview with the Japan job(seems the Sukugawa one fell through, they can't get a hold of the school district or something to confirm a job I guess. But not Fukushima, though they haven't told me for sure yet.)and some more paper work stuff to do.  Hope this cough is gone by then, do not want to sound like I'm losing my voice or coughing every five minutes when I'm trying to get a job secured.
Have this strange infestation of crows in our neighborhood, been there for over a month I think.  At least they're not bothering our one remaining cat....Just being all over our yards.

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