
Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Year!

It is so weird to have it be 2019...and still be sooo cold! Today and yesterday it finally got warm enough to really melt stuff(like the ice and snow on the driveway I already spent two days getting off so cars could get in and out better)but not by much.
Of course work slowed down a lot, which means my coworkers are bored. I'm used to it(though last year did not follow suit, given it stayed busy for a while after New Years)so I now to expect less hours and less customers.  And so having to find more stuff to do.
Managed to shift my shoulder out of place trying to get the ice off, so my chiropractor had to put it back.  felt it shift out during work later, but I think in a different way because it hurts differently than it did before. But it means I need to have it put back in again next week...
Down to about two months before I really have to get stuff together for Japan, and I feel like it is going fast and taking forever at the same time.  Figures.
Hope everyone had a great New Year's, and promise for a great year to follow.

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